Sunday, December 20, 2009

Education - provide Fallacy of Teaching to the test

With the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, every state is required to be set their own performance benchmarks, and by a series of tests to assess the academic improvement of all students accountable for the billions of dollars, must be ensured within the American public educational system invested. One of the arguments repeatedly that this Act or any accountability law mandates teachers to teach to the test and that the teaching is wrong on the test.

From aPerformance improvement perspective, teaching to the test is 100% absolutely correct. One of the best examples is the thousands of citizens in each state study that the state driving test pass in order to study to acquire a license. The state driver's examination if the applicant is in the knowledge of the laws relating to the operation of a motor vehicle to be determined. Each question on the test may under the appropriate state driver's manual. The heights of commercial driving schoolsinstruct their students on the information that is based in the manual. If these teachers do not teach to the information in their state manuals, their students were not on the State exam. These teachers must teach to the test.

The real problem arises when playing students who have not mastered previously taught concepts are forced to "catch up" in a very short time. Here, I believe that this mistake of teaching to test their origin. This type of test isreally a symptom of a larger problem, a lack of dominance.

In the last 5 years I have arranged more than 500 teachers surveyed and 98% that this works, how learning is in the class:

Read It
Test It
Forget It
For the next lesson
Repeat Process

This process involves the acquisition of knowledge and not really about the performance - the application of knowledge.

Performance comes in different phases of the limited to the championship. Within the U.S.public education, championship, quite honestly, is not the desired end result for many teachers and students. When the Championship was the desired end result, we would not have that are not highly qualified teachers, social promotion, together with many other programs, the championship for the victims of self-esteem issues, etc. We would still have continued to agrian education. Did Note that today's students less time in the classroom as a student of 50 years ago, althoughInformation doubles every year?

If we really want to improve for public education, which is one of the best explanations of why America rose to a superpower, then we have the structure of public education and the reform of the 21 Century to reflect performance-based society. In the meantime, public education must begin with the desire for young people especially, to develop themselves targeted students who demonstrate leadership skills by mastering the key concepts necessaryfor their success. This solution seems much more logical to align with the desired end result, avoid blame, eliminate wasted tax money and get the performance results in real time.

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