Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Is High IQ is sufficient to identify a gifted child?

Schools have a responsibility to the best education they can give each child. Part of this task is the identification of people with learning difficulties and also the gifted and talented. Both groups of children require different support from the school environment, but learning disabilities are often higher than the support of the talented emphasis be placed. After all, schools want to ensure there are no barriers to education and the natural inclination is to be a gifted child, as seenone, that no difficulties with access to education.

Unfortunately, this can cause problems for the gifted child. If the school does nothing to challenge it, a gifted child can deal with their boredom in a variety of ways. The best case scenario is that they are educational opportunities to challenge themselves or a family with the time and resources to find activities that will find this route too. However, the result is less positive, a gifted child with an enormous potential for achieving thisis bored and disillusioned with school and learning in general. Aware that they need only what you need to do to keep up, or sometimes not even worry about if they fall behind, it can be the beginning of a downward spiral in behavioral problems such as truancy, depression, and even petty crime. At this time, the school will focus on behavior rather than the problem, and if a child is identified as a troublesome student, they can major effort to reverse toProcess.

The definition of a "gifted child"

To prevent this, is the first step, the correct identification of a gifted child - something that must be available to all parents and educational professionals able to do with trust. Once in education for more than thirty years, I have concluded that the word "gifted" are overused, and often with children who are very bright easy to use. In the 1930s, the official indicator ofgifted child has an IQ of over 130, but that's enough?

To show how extraordinary a gifted child, I want a few anecdotes about a student that French and tutors have worked in my agency, to provide for the previous year.

The parents of the young boy in question, put together, because he had been expelled from a prestigious private school in Beijing. The school had to include not just the right way to him, or with a group of interferingStudents with whom the boy had participated. The family found itself in a terrible situation: Your child has been expelled from a prestigious private school, he had actually lost a semester of work, so damaging his grade point average, and it seemed to be impossible to visit every decent university, let alone the Ivy League School he had his sights on.

Several months later, his life turned around and we begin to see what this young man is capable.Recently, he completed one semester of an AP Literature course in ten days - a course which normally lasts take 16 weeks to complete. He scored more than 92% - not even his teachers to grade the last three missions, as he has already achieved an A-Class. This is an American college-level course, but he added it to this level in this extraordinary time frame.

Another example is the reaction of a Cambridge professor who kindly agreed with him for three weeks in the tutorSummer holidays. The student in a one-on-one tutorial with the Head of Mathematics from Churchill College for three hours a day, and it flourished. The professor told me later that he had reservations about such a young student teaching, but he had found the experience "refreshing".

Why do high IQ should not be the sole criterion for identifying gifted children

These anecdotes show that high IQ is not sufficient to determine whether a child is gifted. An IQTest would not reveal any other features that can be seen in a truly gifted children, their strength, for example, or their ability to produce outstanding work in exceptional cases. The truly gifted child develop an incredible work ethic if the right support and encouragement.

Children, as the students are rarely described, but they have the skills to go further and do incredible things for the community. A school system that such children do not give what you need to destroy them, canenthusiasm from them, and also deny society the benefits of their abilities in the coming years. Dealing with a gifted child can be a challenge - the young man I have described ten o'clock tutors needed this year to provide him the necessary breadth and depth of the tuition, but the benefits can not be denied. As education professionals we need to encourage and promote talented children, otherwise the society will suffer in the long term.

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